GIANT Poster | Christmas Tree – ‘Mandalas’ to Color
And here we go AGAIN, hurray! We are getting closer to Christmas! I know, I know, I am repeating myself but I LOVE Christmas. It is the time for our family when everyone is trying to come and spend time together. When everyone is just that little bit nicer and kinder. It is also the 6th year that I am creating a GIANT Christmas Tree Poster for all of us to color in! This year I went back to my another love of mine: Mandalas. So I am very excited to share with you my GIANT Poster Christmas Tree Mandalas:

I hope you love Mandalas like I do but if not – no worries – there are more Giant Christmas Tree Posters to choose from. Last year I created a Nativity themed Giant Christmas Tree Poster! You can also enjoy coloring a Winter Wonderland Christmas Tree Poster, another Mandala Giant Christmas Tree Poster, an Animal Cutie Giant Christmas Tree Poster and a Giant Christmas Tree Elf Factory! You got choices! 🙂

This Giant Christmas Tree Poster will measure approximately 78x108cm (30x42in). And it is 18 pages big! But don’t be worried! Hattifant’s Giant Posters are so very easy to put together!

Hattifant’s GIANT Posters are very easy to make! You can print them with your home printer or at school. You will be downloading 18 pages for this Mandala Christmas Tree, print them, cut out the templates and then glue them together. It is really all very easy and no puzzle exercise. Every single page will tell you exactly who it wants to be neighbor with. It is all marked and easy put together.

First step to take: Head over to Gumroad or Etsy and get your own Giant Christmas Tree ‘Mandalas’ Poster to Color Bundle. Then get your scissors ready because we have to trim the pages a little to be able to glue them together.

Now is a good time to find yourself a bigger area (e.g. dining table, floor) to lay out the individual pages that will make up the poster. Make sure they are all in the right order and that none is missing either. You never know… maybe your printer got hungry or just didn’t want to spit out one of the pages. It’s happened before.

Nothing left but to glue the pages together. Start off in the upper left hand corner and work your way down from page 1 to page 18.

Done! You created yourself a Giant Christmas Tree Poster with loads of Mandalas that you can now color in! ENJOY!

Time to get all your paints, pens & pencils and possibly acrylic paint markers out! I wish you the most of fun coloring this Christmas Tree together with your friends and family! I cannot wait to see the first pictures coming in and see how you painted it!!!
HOW TO in short:
- download the Giant Christmas Tree ‘Mandalas’ Poster,
- print out PDF files on 120-180 gsm paper,
- cut out individual pages,
- glue pages together to one big GIANT Poster,

You will receive in PDF format:
- A Welcome Note & Thank You including Instructions
- Poster: 18 A4 pages in 2 PDF files (please scroll through the PDF to find all. If you print on US Letter size paper then please adjust your printer settings to “Fit to page”)
- Bonus: Christmas Tree ‘Mandalas’ Coloring Page, Post Card & foldable Card to send Seasons’ Greetings & a little surprise
More Christmas Crafts:
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