Heart Penguin Family
We are getting into Valentine spirit and started crafting our first Valentine gifts for friends and family.
I had been venturing “the net” a bit and found a really cute craft idea by Michelle from Crafty Morning. Do have a little stroll around, there is some cute ideas on her blog!!! 🙂 Thank you, Michelle!
Our little ones loved the penguins. So we got started straight away. We decided on making a whole family and the kids thought they would like to accessorize as well. So the boys got some pants and hats, the girls skirts and bows.
Follow Michelles tutorial (see link above) and you’ll be all set for a fun filled crafty hour with your little ones.
It is pretty simple and straight forward:
– cut out an oval for the body of the penguin
– cut out a heart shape for the face (here white paper)
– and 3 smaller hearts that are used for nose and both feet.
That’s it and then get creative with the decorating! 🙂 And even more so the playing afterwards. We evenutally got to “5 little penguins were jumping on the bed, 1 fell off and bumped his/her head”… and so on and so on … (see below 🙂 )
Meet our Heart Penguin Family!
Happy CRAFTING wishes you the Hattifant family!
Triskele Paper Globes
Mandala Cards
Mandalendar 2016
3D Coloring – Pop Up Card “Make a Wish”
Owl Coloring Pages
Coloring Pages featuring Quotes
Looking for more crafts?
Magic Mermaid World
You want to craft even more???
Then hop on over and take a look at these:
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