Christmas Market Stall Shelf Poster to Color
Welcome back to another fun coloring experience! We are still going strong with Christmas Crafts and there are several new GIANT Christmas themed Posters to color out! Always wanted to have a GIANT Nutcracker on your door?! Or a beautiful Christmas Angel protect you from all evil?! Then head over and have a look. In this post I would like to introduce to you my Christmas Market Stall Shelf Poster! So many little details and so much to color!

I created this poster for one of our kids’ school events with the ‘German Christmas Market‘ as a theme. So you will find a lot of German or European elements in this poster!

There is a Christmas pyramid with a nativity in it. Can you spot it?! The heat of the candles make the wheel on top turn and with it turn all 3 levels around and around. Beautiful! Do you see the Christmas Market Stall Roof?! This is now sitting on top of our TV in the living room! LOL
I painted a Nutcracker and Christmas Angel on IKEA cardboard boxes (I always keep those big boxes teehee) and they were then standing majestically next to the Christmas Market Stall Shelf.

The Christmas Market Stall Shelf Poster you see in the picture above is HUGE, the biggest poster I have ever created. It takes 48 pages to print and then put together. It measures 205cm x 108cm (6.7ft x 354ft). It was so much fun to color. Of course as a group! And we used mainly watercolor paints and then went with a little acrylic and pens (e.g. Sharpies) and pencils into detail.

I understand that the majority of us cannot color in such a big poster. This is more for schools or events at church?! So I am offering you 2 sizes!
Poster Option No. 1: 4×3 pages = 12 pages to print at 104cm x 54cm (40.9in x 21.2in)
GIANT Poster Option No. 2: 8×6 pages = 48 pages to print at 205cm x 108cm (80.7in x 42.5in)

Both posters just like all of Hattifant’s GIANT or almost GIANT posters work the same way.
The are EASY to make! I wanted for us to be able to just download a file and then print and not having to organize into our already busy day a visit to the print shop. Don’t get me wrong. Print shops are great! But sometimes it is just easier to have the option to get the poster ready and prepared at home. Hattifant’s posters you can print at home or at school. You will download the templates as PDF files, print them, cut out the templates and then glue them together. It is really all very easy and no puzzle exercise. Every single page will tell you exactly who it wants to be neighbor with.

First step to take: Head over to Gumroad or Etsy and get your own Christmas Market Stall Shelf Poster to Color Bundle. Then get your scissors ready because we have to trim the pages a little to be able to glue them together.

When that is done it is best to arrange the individual pieces on a bigger surface such as your floor or a big table. That way you have them all in the right order before starting to glue.

And then happy glueing! Start off in the left hand upper corner (page 1) and work your way down to the bottom left hand corner (page 12 or 48 – depending on which poster size you have chosen).

That’s it! You made yourself at home (or school, or office, or… ) a poster that is now ready to be colored! Woohoo!
Your home, classroom or office will look amazing! I cannot wait to see the first pictures coming in and see how you painted this Christmas Market Stall Shelf!!!
HOW TO in short:
- download the Christmas Market Stall Shelf Poster Bundle,
- print out PDF files on 120-180 gsm paper,
- cut out individual pages,
- glue pages together to one big GIANT Poster,
Here comes the big choice you will have to make! Go crazy BIG or go with the still big version but still by far smaller than the GIANT Poster version. Both bundles will have the same content apart from the poster templates!
You will receive in PDF format:
- A Welcome Note & Thank You including Instructions
- The Poster as A4 / US Letter sized Coloring Page
- The Poster as A3 sized (double A4) Coloring Page
- 2-page Poster (for if you do not have an A3 printer)
- Bonus: 2 postcards
Then depending on which Poster you wish to color:
Poster Option No. 1:
- 1 PDF file with 12 pages for the Christmas Market Stall Shelf Poster
GIANT Poster Option No. 2:
- 3 PDF files with all together 48 pages for the Christmas Market Stall Shel Poster
(Please scroll through the PDF files to find all pages. If you print on US Letter size paper then please adjust your printer settings to “Fit to page” before hitting the “Print” button.)

Wishing you a fabulous time assembling the poster and then coloring it together with family and/or friends. Merry Christmas to you all!
More Christmas Crafts:
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