Fabulous Autumn Leaf Coloring Page to Doodle and Create Patterns
Yes, Autumn! I get all dreamy when talking about Autumn. Let’s forget about the grey sky and rainy weather for minute and think of gorgeously red, yellow & green colored trees instead. A little breeze going through and some leaves slowly tumbling and floating through the sky towards the ground. How better to celebrate this with doodling on an Autumn Maple Leaf Coloring Page?

Feel free to explore some more of Hattifant’s “Autumn Crafts” or “Fall Crafts” here:
- Mandala Autumn Coloring Pages – Sun Catchers
- 3D Autumn Woodland Animal Collages – Paper Craft
- 4 Seasons Endless Card & Kaleidocycle / Flextangle Paper Toy
I also created some fabulous Thanksgiving crafts. If Halloween is one of your favorite holidays then explore here further.

MAPLE Autumn Leaf Coloring Page
When Hattifant family lived in Europe we collected loads of leaves during Autumn and one of the maple leaves was just picture perfect and served as template for this Maple Autumn Leaf Template here. It is FREE for you to download.
And since I love doodling… (something I do to relax, something I don’t have to think much about while I am doing it) I thought why not create Maple Autumn Leaves with lots of different kind of patterns. I will show you some here and how to recreate them, too! Let’s get started!

The Paradox Square Pattern is a true page turner! You are laughing but just wait and see. While drawing the pattern you want to turn your page all the time to best be in control of the lines you are drawing.

The pattern is lovely and almost looks like Gingko leaves nestling against each other. Yes, almost! So head over to Gumroad and download your FREE template!
(Please make sure to enter 0 (zero or any other number you wish to “donate”) into the number field. It does look as if there is already a number. When entered the number please click “I want this” and go from there.)
In the PDF file you will find several options to work with depending how much support you wish. Choose your preferred option and watch the video and doodle together with me!
See?! It is so easy! Now try yourself! You start off in one corner of the square and draw a line to the other side of the square and create a sharp triangle. Turn your page and while staying with the pen where you finished the line before create another line down towards the end of the square. The video shows this really well. (Much better than I can do with words. LOL)

And if you like you can choose some of your favorite colors or how about Autumn / Fall kind of colors?! What are those?! Do you know?!

If interested you can also check out my Flower Swirl Pattern Tutorial where I made use of the Paradox Square Pattern as well! Have the most of fun doodling! And stay tuned for more fun patterns to come! I will share them here with you!
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