MANDALENDAR | a Mandala Calendar to Color

I am so pleased to be able to share once again a Mandala themed Calendar with you! You can find out more about the previous Mandalendars here. These calendars make beautiful gifts for your loved ones and naturally yourself. So here is a NEW Mandalendar (Mandala Calendar) with NEW Mandalas to Color for 2025: Hattifant’s MANDALENDAR; a Mandala Calendar to Color!

Hattifant’s Mandalendar consists of 12 Mandala Coloring Pages including the monthly calendar of 2025.

Here is a little walk through the individual months:

PRINTABLES for the MANDALENDAR, a Mandala Calendar to Color

You will receive in PDF format:

  • A Welcome Note
  • Monday – Sunday Mandala Calendar: 12 x A4 pages in one PDF file (one page for each month, 12 unique Mandalas)
  • Sunday – Saturday Mandala Calendar: 12 x US Letter sized pages in one PDF file
  • A THANK YOU Bonus: a little Mandala Envelope Card that fits a gift card as well!!!

(If you print on US Letter size paper then please adjust your printer settings to “Fit to page”. For the Calendar itself US Letter format is available and included here.)

Enjoy this little extra craft with this Mandalendar Coloring Bundle!

Have the most of fun coloring all this beautiful MANDALENDAR, a Mandala Calendar to Color. And remember:

“In a world where you can be anything, BE KIND!”


Flower flextangle colored by Hattifant
Flower Explosion Pop Up Cards
Hattifant's Flower Filled Heart Giant Poster and Coloring Page for Valentine's Day
3D Spring Inspirational Flower & Butterfly Bookmarks

You like Hattifant’s designs, toys & décor? Why not FOLLOW Hattifant on Facebook or Instagram and always be up-to-date with Hattifant’s latest adventures…


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