Four Seasons Kaleidocycle
Hi everyone and welcome to a new paper craft session with Hattifant!
Today we will make an awesome paper toy that shows off our seasons brilliantly: a KALEIDOCYCLE or as some of us also call them FLEXTANGLE!!!
You have not heard anything yet about these fun papertoys?! Then check out Hattifant’s main Kaleidocycle page.
You will need:
- Printable (see further below)
- Paper (100-120gsm)
- Scissors
- Glue/tape
Watch this VIDEO TUTORIAL and follow me along while a show you step by step how to make your own FOUR SEASONS Kaleidocycle!
Simply click on the image or link below to get your templates!
I am offering this template as a superduper Paper Craft Bundle including not only the template for the Kaleidocycle but also adding templates for the Endless Card, Coloring Pages and blank tree version for the ultimate creative fun!
With this bundle you will receive:
- Template for the Kaleidocycle IN Color and TO Color IN
- Template for the BIG and small 4 Seasons Endless Card IN Color and TO Color IN
- 2 different templates for the season Summer to choose from (apples or flowers)
- Endless Card Templates with a BLANK Tree version to create your very own scenery (also in BIG and small)
- All 4 Seasons plus BLANK Tree as COLORING PAGES!
- Lots of love and warm wishes from Hattifant!!!
Please head over here to learn more about the FOUR SEASONS Endless Card!
Happy crafting to you all!!!
More Seasons Craft Fun:
Mandala Autumn Leaves
THANKSGIVING Table Decoration
Woodland Animal Garland
Mandala Night Light
Triskele Paper Globes to Color
Mandala Turtle
Owl Coloring Pages
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