Hattifant’s 3D Paper Christmas Trees
It’s Christmas time – time for Hattifant’s Christmas Crafts!!! So let’s make some little 3D Paper Christmas Trees. They are easy and quickly done. And already you have a little Christmas decoration to add to your home!

I created stand alone ones but also an arrangement with a cute baby deer for this 3D Paper Christmas Tree Bundle.

It’s a craft that everyone in the family can give a go! Kids can practice their cutting skills! We painted them, tried to cut other patterns and even made some glow in the dark ones (see further below)!
They make a gorgeous Christmas decoration and are really quite easily and quickly made. And if you have some small LED candle lights then you can also use them as luminaries! You like what you see here and would love to create a set of your own then read right on…
Hattifant’s 3D Paper Christmas Trees
I have prepared for you 3 templates: the first one contains the biggish trees that I suggest is best to start off with.

Three trees, three different patterns…it will get you hooked! 😉
Heard of Triskele Paper Globes yet?
If you then would like to move on to a more difficult paper cutting experience then you will enjoy the cutsy Deer Tree scene!

And if you still have not had enough then have go at the littlest of the trees and/or create your very own pattern! The possibilities are endless…

Ready to make your own?

Enjoy this craft and if you like here are some more Hattifant Christmas Tree Crafts for you to explore.
And if you love luminaries and paper cutting (this is not a kids craft) then this one might be just right:
Another idea…
If you really enjoyed this 3D Christmas Tree Papercraft then you might want to try this one! My kids love everything shiny and of course glow in the dark.
Look what we’ve turned some of our trees into now!!! Obviously, the kids LOVE it!!! 🙂
Some of you have asked how we got them to glow like this. We used Glow-in-the-Dark Paint Spray that I found at our local craft shop! Simply took the crafted trees and sprayed them! 🙂
They make cute little night lights for when it is sleepy time. ^_^
Click below on “free download” to get to the printables!
Hattifant and Easy Peasy and Fun have teamed up to bring to you a 3D Paper Christmas Tree version that is particularily suitable for the smaller hands! See the cute pink and green tree below with those adorable stars on them?! They will glow in the dark! Find out more here!

Have the most of fun making your 3D Paper Christmas Trees! Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Show me your trees! Your creations! Always love to see!
Until Hattifant’s next craft! Have a most beautiful Christmas!


Advent Calendar: Christmas Town
GIANT Christmas Tree Poster to Color
Christmas & Winter Kaleidocycles Flextangles
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