GIANT Coloring Poster | Add On ‘Banner’ for Wreaths & Mandalas
I created some banners that can accompany some of the gorgeous Wreaths and Mandalas here on Hattifant’s website. Have a look at Hattifant’s GIANT Coloring Poster Add on Banners for Wreaths & Mandalas:

You like the Flower Wreath in the image above? You can read up on it here. The banners come in shape of a poster. The Poster will measure appr. 30.7 x 14.1 inches (78 x 36 cm). And it is 6 pages big! Hattifant’s Giant Posters are really easy to put together! You can print them with your home printer or at school. You will be downloading 6 pages for the banner add on poster, print them, cut out the templates and then glue them together. It is really all very easy and no puzzle exercise. Every single page will tell you exactly who it wants to be neighbor with.

The following wording is included on the banner in this GIANT Coloring Poster ‘Banner Add On’ Paper Craft Bundle:

- blank
- Hello Spring
- Welcome
- Thank You
- Happy Birthday
- Happy Mother’s Day
- Happy Anniversary
- Congratulations
- Well Done!
- Get well soon!
- download the Giant Coloring Poster ‘Banners Add on’,
- print out PDF files on 120-180 gsm paper,
- cut out individual pages,
- glue pages together to one big GIANT Poster,
- color,
- cut out banner along the lines and add to wreath or mandala.

First step to take: Head over to Gumroad or Etsy and get your own Giant Coloring Poster ‘Banners Add On’ Paper Craft Bundle. Download the PDF files and choose the banner with your preferred wording. Then print all 6 pages that make up each banner poster. Get your scissors ready because we have to trim the pages a little to be able to glue them together.

Find yourself a bigger surface (e.g. dining table, floor) and lay out the individual pages that will make up the poster. Make sure they are all in the right order and that none is missing either. You never know… maybe your printer got hungry or just didn’t want to spit out one of the pages.

Or your Personal Assistant likes paper… not only socks disappear… 😉

Almost done! All that is left now is to glue the pages together. Start off in the upper left hand corner and work your way down from page 1 to page 6.

Now you can choose to cut out the actual banner and flowers and add for example to the GIANT Coloring Flower Wreath Poster.

If you are a teacher you could use the wreath for most of the school year in your classroom and add the individual banners when fit best for example for a Birthday or to welcome Spring.

You will receive in PDF format:
- A Welcome Note & Thank You (a little bonus, something extra cute)
- Instructions
- Posters: 10 banners with 6 x A4 pages each in one PDF file (please scroll through the PDF to find all. If you print on US Letter size paper then please adjust your printer settings to “Fit to page”)
Have the most of fun coloring. Wishing you all a wonderful Spring, Summer, and holiday. And remember:
“In a world where you can be anything, be KIND!”
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