Thanksgiving | Mandala Autumn Leaf Placemat Bundle to Color
I love Autumn! After more than 10 years not living Seasons I dream of running around the park and throwing up all these gorgeously colored leaves and admire the sun shining through them. So in order to celebrate Autumn and Thanksgiving I created this pretty Thanksgiving Mandala Autumn Leaf Placemat Bundle for you that you get to color in!

It was so much fun coloring this placemat. Because many of you ask what pens and media I use, I will go into a little more detail and show you.

I will be talking colors & pen choices so I have added a couple of affiliate links for your convenience!

I colored the Thanksgiving Mandala Autumn Leaf Placemat Coloring Page using the most amazing Brush Markers ever: docrafts Artiste Dual Tip Brush Markers Vintage! They were on offer in one of my favorite shops and I couldn’t resist. And you know what?! The colors are simply PERFECT for the Autumn season!!!
While creating this Coloring Page I couldn’t resist trying them out on Hattifant’s decorative Mandala Autumn Leaves which I turned into Sun Catchers by using permanent markers. And oh my… they, too turned out lovely! The markers are moist and easily color the surface. One can create shadows by simply going over the area while it is still wet. The colors beautifully blend into each other!

Oooh and you always wonder about the golden 3D dots I tend to use to decorate many of my illustrations with… It is so called puff paint. I got several different colors but the golden one is by far my favorite. The gold looks like gold and when putting a drop on the page it will remain a drop – a 3D drop!!! My secret weapon… ^_^ is the Kirarina Cute Puff Paint Pen made in Japan.

Enough pen talk though! I wanted to show you what the Thanksgiving Mandala Autumn Leaf Placemat Coloring Page could like like on your Thanksgiving table.

Or how about decorating like this?!

- Thanksgiving Mandala Autumn Leaf Placemat Coloring Page in Black & White
- the same Thanksgiving Placemat Coloring Page with 5 gorgeous Autumn background colors
- Thanksgiving Placemat as colored by me (for when it has to go fast and you want a colored version)
- for further decoration: a colored BIG Mandala Autumn Leaf & 3 small colored Autumn leaves
ATTENTION: If you would like to COLOR IN the Mandala Autumn Leaves then please head over HERE to order!
Have a wonderful THANKSGIVING Holiday and coloring & crafting for you and your family!!!
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