Perpetual Mandala CALENDAR to Color – A Timeless Calendar that never expires
Calendars play an important part in our lives, right?! Every year we go out and look for the perfect fit. How about combining our love for coloring and crafting and making our very own – very personal Perpetual Mandala Calendar!

…a Perpetual Mandala Calendar which you fill with YOUR favorite colors and admire for years to come!

I love creating crafts and coloring for a purpose other than relaxing. This is not me saying coloring for mind fullness is silly. Not at all! Relaxing and finding ones balance in life is so very important. Coloring can support here. This has been proven wide and far.

I always look to create something that I can use afterwards and preferably for a long time. This puts my mind at ease, too. Sort of this ‘I am not “wasting” my time doing “nothing”‘ (Do you have this little devil sitting on your shoulder, too?!) This Perpetual Mandala Calendar here is the perfect craft to put your mind at ease! 🙂
It’s a timeless calendar that never expires because you can use it year after year – again and again. LOVE IT!

The Perpetual Mandala Calendar Bundle I created for us includes 5 different Mandala designs. Mandalas with different degrees of difficulty to color. The one in the middle (picture above) will be most suitable for our littlest ones.

And yes! Of course! There have to be two different sizes! The bigger Perpetual Mandala Calendar looks gorgeous hung up on the wall. The smaller version is more a pocket size and brilliant to gift and/or have in the office at your desk.
Get your Perpetual Mandala Calendar Bundle here and then I will show you how to put it together.
The Perpetual Mandala Calendar Bundle will include the following:
- 5 big (width: 17 x height 20cm) Mandala Front Designs
- Inner parts and Back part in one convenient PDF file
- 5 pocket sized (width: 10 x height: 12cm) Perpetual Mandala Calendars (same designs as in big version)
- instructions

Now let me show you how to make them…
You will need:
- paper (180gsm – light card stock)
- coloring pens
- scissors
- craft knife and safety mat
- scoring tool or other to poke holes
- paper fastener/split pin
- glue
If you prefer still images…

When you have downloaded your templates start off with some wonderful coloring. You can color afterwards also, but the paper fastener/split pin might be a bit disturbing.
Cut out the templates. There are altogether 5 parts to cut out: front, 3 inner parts and the back. Then take the front and cut out the three little windows through which we will later on be able to see date, day and month.

I used my scoring tool to put a hole through the middle of all 5 parts of the Perpetual Mandala Calendar. You want to be carefully center these holes so that the date, day and month wheels are perfectly centered.
Then take your paper fastener or also called split pin by many and push it through all 5 parts starting of with the front, then days followed by months and dates. The last one to be added is the back part.

Split the pin/paper fastener at the back so that it holds all 5 parts together. Turn the Perpetual Mandala Calendar back to the front, add glue to the top of the back part and glue front and back part together. This will give the calendar stability but make sure not to add glue to the areas of the inner parts. We want those to be easily movable.
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