Being up with the owls

Owls have always been somewhat mysterious. When I observe them, they bring peace to my heart.

Hattifant's Owl Colouring In PageWe all need some calmness at times…

When it is a little turbulent in Hattifant’s life, Eichendorffs words have often help to bring peace to the mind…


Es war, als hätt der Himmel

Die Erde still geküsst,

Dass sie im Blütenschimmer

Von ihm nun träumen müsst.

Die Luft ging durch die Felder,

Die Ähren wogten sacht,

Es rauschen leis die Wälder,

So sternklar war die Nacht.

Und meine Seele spannte,

Weit ihre Flügel aus,

Flog durch die stillen Lande,

Als flögen sie nach Haus.

(Joseph von Eichendorff)

Night of the Moon

It was as though the sky

had silently kissed the earth,

so that it now had to dream of sky

in shimmers of flowers.

The air went through the fields,

the corn-ears leaned heavy down

the woods swished softly-

so clear with stars was the night.

And my soul stretched

its wings out wide,

flew through the silent lands

as though it were flying home.

(Joseph von Eichendorff)


Being Up With The Owls

With these words, enjoy some peaceful time colouring in Hattifant’s owl.

Hattifant's Owl - Colouring In Page

Hattifant's Owl - Colouring In Page

 Do get in touch and let me know what you think! Always happy to hear from you! And if you have more ideas let me know!

 You can either click on the image for a high quality JPG version or click below for a PDF file! Enjoy!

Hattifant’s Owl Coloring Page (English)

Hattifant’s Owl Coloring Page (German)

The Hattifant family loves owls! So there will be lots more owl crafts and coloring pages & cards heading your way. Stay tuned and visit Hattifant from time to time to not miss out on Owl news!

More Owl Coloring and Crafts:

Click on the images below to get to the individuel coloring pages and/or crafts!

Hattifant's Baby Owl Coloring Page

Hattifant's Mama Baby Owl Coloring Page

Hattifant's Owl Family Love Coloring Page

 Interested in another Woodland Coloring Page?Hattifant's Woodland Animal Coloring Page

What is Hattifant up to lately?

Triskele Paper Globes

Hattifant - Triskele Paper Globes Paper Craft

3D Coloring

Hattifant's GTS 2015 Lilla RogersHattifant's Brooklyn GrownUp coloring 3D paper art

Interested in some more colouring pages?

Then head back to our main colouring page here!

Hattifant's Coloring Pages

Stress Relief Mandala Flowers

Hattifant's GIANT Poster Mandala Flowers

Hattifant’s Stress Relief Mandala Doodle

Hattifant's Stress Relief Mandala Doodle

Mermaid Coloring Pages

Hattifant's Mermaid Galore Grown Up Coloring Pages

Magic Mermaid World Paper Toy Set

Hattifant'S Magic Mermaid World Paper Toy Set

Endless Princesses Card

Hattifants Endless PrincessCard


Hattifant's Kaleidocycles


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