BOOKMARK | Mandala Pom Pom Ornament
What do we have today?! Something for Mandala lovers, bookworms, obviously colorists and those who live for Christmas.
Not any Mandala Bookmark… I designed it in a way that you can easily use it also as Christmas ornament! Hence, Hattifant calling it Mandala Pom Pom Bookmark Ornament! Clever, right?! We love Pom Poms so we added those. Decorate your tree with them by simply hanging it up the way it is or add a thread.
My little one likes to read near the Christmas Tree at the moment and “parks” her bookmark this way. 🙂
You love crafting? Then you might find the offer above of interest! It is a great buy! What better to gift than your time and love while crafting with your family and friends! With this bundle you are set up for Christmas and beyond!
I chose to use different color schemes for each side! And I cannot wait for Spring to remake this bookmark with fresh and more vibrant colors.
Get your printable further below. I created 3 different sizes for you. No need to explain really… we all read different book sizes and we all have different tree sizes, too! ^_^
- Print off template!
- Cut out and color to your hearts desire (or the other way around! 😉 )
- Make how ever many Pom Poms you would like to add. Find my video HERE on how to make Pom Poms.
- You can braid the long ends together and then tape it to the inside of the Mandala.
- Add glue to the other side and close shut the template. Both Mandalas fit perfectly together.
- Read a book!!! 🙂
Pssst… if you are not a fan of bookmarks you can simply glue both sides together or add magnets in between! Then you can clip the bookmark on to a page of the book!
Enjoy this Mandala Pom Pom Bookmark and/or Christmas Ornament in three different sizes.
Click on the picture below to get to the download section!
Wishing you a fantastic time coloring and crafting with your family and friends. ENJOY!!!
Mandalendar 2019
GIANT Mandala Christmas Tree Poster
Owl Paper Toy
Owl Coloring Pages
Owl Adventcalendar
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