Hattifant’s Advent Calendar Woodland Cuties
My favorite time of year always starts with the first picture or door of an Advent Calendar. You might call it Christmas Countdown. They are a fabulous invention. Let me show you a really cute way to count down the days to Christmas! Here is Hattifant’s Advent Calendar ‘Woodland Cuties’ for you!
Every day you get to color one little window/door that can be a little woodland animal, a star or snowflake. Aren’t they adorable?
All you have to do is get your template, wait for 1 December and start coloring a little bit every day until Christmas Day.

We live in a pretty warm climate and for years it has been really tricky to get hold of chocolate filled Advent Calendars with which I grew up. So here is a non sweet Advent Calendar option for you. 🙂

I prepared templates for you with 24 or 25 little windows as a PDF file in A4 European measurement!

December 4
Kids are up bright and early every day to color in their little square each day! 🙂 Here are our calendars – 3 different age groups… Pre-School, Early Years and… Stone Age! LOL
Really love that we can all do the same activity together!

I really hope you’ll enjoy this cute Advent Calendar to COLOR! Have a lovely Christmas season! And of course…check out all other Christmas Crafts that Hattifant is working on!
3D Coloring – Pop Up Card “Make a Wish”
Christmas & Winter Kaleidocycles Flextangles
GIANT Paper Snowflakes
Christmas Tree Cone Set
3D Paper Christmas Trees
Paper Angels
For more Autumn & Winter coloring…
Coloring Pages featuring Quotes
Woodland Cuties Coloring Page
Have a look at all of Hattifant’s Coloring Pages here:
Stress Relief with Coloring
You want to craft even more???
Then hop on over and take a look at these:
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