Mandalendar 2017
Wow…welcome 2017. This went quick! I hope you all had am amazing 2016!
I cheer with you towards 2017. Lets have the best year ever and start of with another series of monthly Mandala Calendar Coloring Pages!
I will be adding the pages monthly. So make sure to come back to get your monthly Mandala!
Only the current month is available and free to download as special gift and with many thanks for all the support from me to you!
With all my love, Hattifant!
This was HATTIFANT’s Mandalendar 2016
Click on the image above to learn and see more pictures from 2016.
Welcome to Hattifant’s Mandalendar 2017
We are heading towards the end of this beautiful year and with it to the final Mandala Calendar Coloring Page 2017, also. I hope you have enjoyed this years’ Mandalendar!
Enjoy this months’ Mandala Calendar Coloring Page!
Please be reminded to NOT SHARE blank coloring pages but share the link to this webpage for your friends to find as well. If you share in social media then please tag as I am very very curious and of course would LOVE to see your creations as well!
This is a FREE offer but I do kindly ask you to consider donating a coin or two. Needless to say that these Mandalas take a long time to create. My aim is to have you all enjoy my art and the magic of coloring. If you do not have any spare money then please enjoy this page for free. It comes from the bottom of my heart! If you do donate then I bow to you with many many thanks! Thank you for keeping the indie art alive! xoxox
Christmas Endless Card
Christmas Ornaments
Starmaiden & Angel Luminary
Mandala Night Light
And it is getting cooold…!!! ^_^
Enjoy this month’s Mandalendar – free of charge for this month but this month only!
This was the Mandalendar for November 2017! This Mandala Coloring Page is now no longer available for download but will be added to Hattifant’s Mandala Coloring Book to be published this year! So please check back in and grab the book. If you love Mandalas then this book will be perfect for you.
Hello lovely October filled with gorgeous reds, greens, yellows and pinks. I love going on walks during this season, listening to the wind blowing into the trees and the leaves falling to the ground. There is a special magic to Autumn.
This was the Mandalendar for October 2017! This Mandala Coloring Page is now no longer available for download but will be added to Hattifant’s Mandala Coloring Book to be published this year! So please check back in and grab the book. If you love Mandalas then this book will be perfect for you.
And here we are… heading towards the Autumn months…
This was the Mandalendar for September 2017! This Mandala Coloring Page is now no longer available for download but will be added to Hattifant’s Mandala Coloring Book to be published this year! So please check back in and grab the book. If you love Mandalas then this book will be perfect for you.
August, a month full of late promises… ^_^
This was the Mandalendar for August 2017! This Mandala Coloring Page is now no longer available for download.
JULY 2017
July… the month that most of us go on a lovely holiday to relax. For us we usually like to enjoy the outdoors a bit more… Hence I colored this month’s Mandalendar in the beuatiful garden of my sisters’ home…
This was the Mandalendar for July 2017! This Mandala Coloring Page is now no longer available for download but will be added to Hattifant’s Mandala Coloring Book to be published this year! So please check back in and grab the book. If you love Mandalas then this book will be perfect for you.
JUNE 2017
Hello June! We start off with quite a special day here in Germany. On 1 June we celebrate Children’s Day. When do you celebrate?
This was the Mandalendar for June 2017! This Mandala Coloring Page is now no longer available for download but will be added to Hattifant’s Mandala Coloring Book to be published this year! So please check back in and grab the book. If you love Mandalas then this book will be perfect for you!
MAY 2017
We will be celebrating this month and many more to come in a different climate. The Hattifant family has moved to Germany and hurray we can now enjoy all the seasons again we so dearly missed. Lets welcome MAY with this special Mandala!
This was the Mandalendar forMay 2017! This Mandala Coloring Page is now no longer available for download but will be added to Hattifant’s Mandala Coloring Book to be published this year! So please check back in and grab the book. If you love Mandalas then this book will be perfect for you!
APRIL 2017
Hurray, my favorite month of the year is here! I love April, it’s crazy weather and the promise of Spring. So please enjoy this months’ Mandalendar which is very much inspired by this gorgeous season to come: Spring!
This was the Mandalendar for April 2017! This Mandala Coloring Page is now no longer available for download but will be added to Hattifant’s Mandala Coloring Book to be published this year! So please check back in and grab the book. If you love Mandalas then this book will be perfect for you!
MARCH 2017
Wow February went quick! Well… it did only have 28 days… 🙂
Enjoy this months Mandalendar!
This was the Mandalendar for March 2017! This Mandala Coloring Page is now no longer available for download but will be added to Hattifant’s Mandala Coloring Book to be published this year! So please check back in and grab the book. If you love Mandalas then this book will be perfect for you!
February 2017
Thinking of Spring already? We most certainly are. And with it we dream of butterflies…
This was the Mandalendar for February. No longer available. But hey… there will be a Mandala Coloring Book coming out soon! And all Mandalas from the Mandalendar will be included!!!
January 2017
And here we are: Hattifant’s MANDALENDAR JANUARY 2017!!!
As you know the coloring page will be available only during this month and then be replaced with the new Mandala Calendar Coloring Page for next month!
This was a FREE offer during the month of January.

You can find out more HERE and you can PRE-ORDER as well!
MORE Hattifant CRAFTS:
Valentine Flextangle Papertoy
Angel Luminaries Papercraft
Mandala Luminary
Find out more about our Triskele Paper Globes here!
Find out about Hattifant’s Foldables here!
You like Hattifant’s designs, toys & décor? Why not LIKE Hattifant on Facebook and always be up-to-date with Hattifant’s latest adventures…
Please kindly note that the use of the Hattifant Site and its services (e.g. downloads) offered, are for your personal and non-commercial use only. You may not publish, license or create derivative works (for commercial use) from, transfer, or sell any information, products, downloads or services obtained from the Services. Hattifant is the sole owner of all content on the Hattifant Site, unless stated otherwise. You may borrow pictures but always name the source and link to the Hattifant Site, please. It would be lovely if you sent an email to manja(at)hattifant(dot)com in this case.
Thank you!