Cute Cats Coloring Adventure

Do you have a cat at home? You love cats, too?! Then this Cute Cats Coloring Adventure might just be the right Coloring Paper Craft Bundle for you! Filled with Coloring Pages, Postcards and a Poster to DIY, this bundle will keep you busy. Well, if your kitty lets you that is… 🙂
“In ancient times, cats were worshipped as gods. They have not forgotten this!” – Terry Pratchett

We actually don’t have a cat ourselves. We would love to though! One day for sure there will be a little fur ball rolling around the house! So I drew these kitties during one of our little holidays… they are light and yes, slightly silly. 🙂

I am thinking about creating a Cat themed digital Coloring Book. If you would like this, let me know! But for now let me show you what is in this little bundle!

We start off with some Cat Coloring Pages of course! And work our way then towards Cat Postcards.

All you need to do is cutting out the template, color the card, then fold it in half where the dotted line is and glue it shut. Write your message on the indicated area on the back of the card, don’t forget a stamp and send it off to loved ones.

And many of you absolutely love the poster sizes. So I created a Poster for you of one of the Cat Coloring Pages but not as big as for example the GIANT POSTER | Christmas Tree – Elf Factory. There are 9 normal computer pages for you to print and assemble. This is really easy: Every side of each page will tell you to which other page it likes to be connected to. So it is a 3×3 pages Cute Cat Poster for you to DIY. The Poster will have a size of approximately 73x53cm (28.7×20.8in).

For the Poster you will need to print of 9 pages, assemble them as shown in the upper image, cut out the templates, glue the individual pages together and finally start coloring. I left an edge that will make the painting & coloring easier and which I will cut off once the poster is all colorful.
Here is a video for you to explore the bundle further. I will also show you how to make the postcards.
You can choose to download this bundle either through Gumroad or Etsy. For both I suggest to create an account if you do not have done so yet. Both are free and you will find all your purchases and downloads then in your own personal library for you to come back to any time later as well. That way even if your computer crashes on you, you will not loose all your lovely templates.
In this Cute Cats Coloring Adventure Bundle you will find:
- 3 unique Cat Coloring Pages
- 4 Postcards to Color In
- a 3×3 Pages strong Poster to Color In & DIY (size: 73x53cm (28.7×20.8in)| poster made out of 9 pages)
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