COLORING PAGE | Heart & Flowers
Hello lovely colorists and welcome to a new Hattifant design! Today, I would love to share a coloring page with you. And not just any coloring page but one that comes from the heart! 🙂

For a short time this coloring page will be free of charge until… yes until I have complete the second coloring page that will go along with this gorgeous one.

I am not done yet though! So hurry and enjoy the Heart & Flower Coloring Page as a special treat!

While you are here and exploring a little, have a look at the accompanying bundle that goes with this beautiful coloring page! Have you heard of endless cards? You can fold the card endlessly so to speak. Hop on over and watch the video!
Download the Heart & Flowers Coloring Page here!

Ooh did you see the bookmarks I created as well??? Flowers and hearts – all there as well! These are lovely little gifts on Valentine’s Day!
MORE Hattifant Crafts and Coloring Pages
Flower & Hearts Bookmarks
The best present for your loved ones who are crazy about coloring and Mandalas:
Cute Unicorn Bookmarks
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