Hattifant’s Travel Doll House
Our little Travel Doll House has become an oldtime favorite.
It is light weight, you can flat pack it and put it into an A4 or US Letter sized envelope to take it literally everywhere.
So yes, we used it a lot for travelling… especially when waiting for the plane at the airport. It was great to quickly pack up, take it out at the gate and quickly stuff it back into the carry on before heading on to the airplane.
We also quite often took it along to family visits or simply for a playdate at a friends house.
Hattifant’s Travel Doll House
You can get hold of your very own set over at Gumroad or Etsy!
With time we made up quite a few stories… Here is the main one! 😉
In this lovely home lives a family of 4 + 2. Sabine, Tomy, mom and dad, Stripy Socks and Sammy Salmon. Stripy Socks, their dog and Sammy Salmon, the cat are always close by their feet to not miss out on any of their adventures.
Together they go on monkey hunts (their parents won’t believe them when they say that Charlie, the monkey lives in their tree!) or play in the water.
Well, not so much Sammy but she patiently waits for the little duck to come out of the pool. Socks loves the trampolin, you won’t believe it.
But the slide in the playroom is the coolest. There is still some help needed in the kitchen, books to be read in the study and Pinky Bunny invited to a picknick in the garden!
Oooh what to do first???
Well, hop on over to Gumroad or Etsy to grab your set!
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