MOTHER’S DAY | Flower Doodle Card, Bookmarks & more
Hello lovely moms, are you celebrating? Are you BEING celebrated? I for sure hope so! I am sending all you amazing mothers out there a virtual hug! Let’s celebrate with this beautiful Mother’s Day Flower Doodle Card! Not only that but also bookmarks and a coloring page are available!

This little craft bundle is to all us moms out there! Let’s celebrate! You are doing a fantastic job! We are doing a fantastic job! We might not feel like it all the time and we are for sure not perfect but aren’t we trying to give our little ones a good start in life, to pave the ground for happiness and well-being.

You want to see me draw a little? I actually recorded this for you and created a fun speedy version of me creating this design! It took me in total a bit over 2.5 hours.
Let us relax a little and color!
As always I have uploaded the printables on to both my shops Gumroad and Etsy.

You will receive:
- 1 PDF file with Mother’s Day Flower Doodle Card
- 1 PDF file with Mother’s Day Flower Doodle Bookmarks
- 1 PDF file with Mother’s Day Flower Doodle Coloring Page
Have a wonderful day ladies!

And here is a little glimpse at what the card will look like!

You love this Mother’s Day Flower Doodle Card, Bookmarks and Coloring Page Bundle? Then you might also be interested in our Mother’s Day Flower Cards & Coloring Pages!
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