Re-Cycle Project: Tissue Box Aquarium
Ever thought about turning your empty tissue boxes into an aquarium??? Here is how! Hattifant’s Tissue Box Aquarium
Ever thought about turning your empty tissue boxes into an aquarium??? Here is how! Hattifant’s Tissue Box Aquarium
So, excited! Have to share! 🙂 I love magnets, my children love magnets; the students do, too. And hey, have not met anyone who does not like to play with playdough or clay. So, lets combine the two and make magnets out of clay. Well, lets make whatever comes to …
…out of milk bottles! Give it a try, you’ll be surprised how easy this material is to work with! Find out more …
One of our Hattifant Crafty Afternoon Activities! We made an aquarium out of a tissue paper box! If you would like to …
Another little Up-Cycling project by Hattifant. Flowers brighten up every little girls room!
Finally! Instructions and the download of the animal template are now available here! Keep on crafting! Enjoy!
I designed the Mobilé for Hattifant’s Crafty Afternoon at the St.Andrews International School in Bangkok. My students straight away recognized their favorite …
As mentioned before I absolutely love the material you can get from milk bottles… And I love Mobilés… So not too far …