My Little Pony Magical World out of a Shoe Box
“My Little Pony,
I used to wonder what friendship could be,
Until you all shared its magic with me …
My Little Pony…”
Who knows these lines by heart??? 🙂
As it is I do a lot of research for great crafts and things and sometimes do not realize that my little ones are thoroughly studying the screen with me…
So it came one day that Anna’s (from “the imagination tree”) really cute re-cycling craft idea for a Little Pony World happened to appear on the screen and both were straight away over the moon.
My littlest one was so persistent that a couple of hours later we were at it making our own version. Glad we were all still on holiday, really! 🙂
Further lucky us, we had recently made a purchase for our runner in the family who has just completed the Manchester Marathon with 3:18min!!! HURRAY!
Shoes in England, box with us in Bangkok. Yeah…OURS…
Definetely a craft adventure for the whole family. Had lots of help from the little ones…
…getting there…the jelly container my LO just emptied was turned into a flower bed for the ponies…and yes, we are messy crafters. Won’t change I’m afraid.
And here we proudly present our Little Pony Rainbow World…
We did this in under about an hour as we didn’t use wet paints but markers for the rainbows and crafty blue paper.
So if you have little ones mad for the “My Little Pony World” then this is a craft for you. Really quite easy and a nice craft to do together with your LO.
And…the play afterwards…might give you a couple of minutes of peace and quiet and a possibility for the LO’s to use their own imagination by creating stories.
Ooh and for the tidy and organised parent (I am desperately trying to be one…) one can simply put the ponies into the box, close it up and store it away in the cupboard!
Happy crafting and playing!!!
Look at this My Little Pony PopUp Book written and illustrated by our 5 year old Hattifant co-worker! 🙂
Heart’s Birthday Party
You want to craft even more??? Then hop on over and take a look at these:
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