DIY Mobile Phone Holders out of Clay
I am falling in love with clay…! Wow… is this a beautiful material to create with! Let me show you!
Look at them… with clay you can add texture, use all sorts of coloring materials from Sharpies, watercolors, gel pens, spray paint, glitter. You can add beads, fake or real gemstones. YOu can create many layers and rubb them off again… I love it!
Will you make some DIY Clay Mobile Phone Holders with me?! Yes??? Hurray! Lets do this!
I have filmed along while making these DIY Clay Mobile Phone Holders! So get your materials together and lets get going! This will be fun!
You will need:
- Air-Drying Clay
- Texture Stamps (or also called Tiles) for Clay
- Clay Sculpting Tools, Sand Paper
- Paint (Poster Colors from Sakura, Acrylic Paint, Paint Spray)
- Sharpies and/or Gel Pens
- other decorative items/accessoires (e.g. plastic gem stones)
(I have added affilate links for your convenience.)
Tips & Tricks:
Cut of a generous size of clay (appr. 1 1/4 inch or 3cm wide) from the clay block. I love using DAS Air-Drying Clay. I can easily find it at any craft shop here. Roll out the clay with a rolling pin. I simply used the one we use for play dough.
When the clay is all flat and about (less than) a 1/4″ (~0.5cm) thick use a knive and cut of the sides. Create a rectangle.
Creating Textures
Time to create some gorgeous textures on your clay! This can be materials you have at home. Look for interesting buttons, doilies, fabric that has a dominant texture, sponges… Go and explore your home!
I have some old outsourced fabric stamps from India which I will use for my craft here.
I put together a list for you here as well in case you want to splash out and get hold of some beautiful Texture Stamps for clay!
Let It Dry! 
When you have rolled up the ends and finished with shaping the clay into the holder the way you would like then LET IT DRY! Until it is PROPERLY dry. Depending on where you live it will dry fast or rather not. Have it dry near a fire place, heater or in the sun.
Get creative. This clay can pretty much take it all! So you can turn this into a beautiful mixed media project.
I used a golden Gel Pen for the pattern and golden Poster Color for the sides on one, Acrylic Paint (leaf green, cadmium orange, magenta and viridian hue) and golden Poster Color on another.
The third I sprayed with a violat Paint Spray usually used for cars (to touch up cracks) and added golden Poster Color Paint watered down on top. This gives it almost a vintage feel with rubbed of gold paint.
And the forth I used watered down Poster Color Paint and then rubbed over it with Sand Paper.
Here you see the four holders completed. I am very happy with the result. Really such an easy craft and one can get sooo creative with it. Something for many leves of skill. And even more so something to do with the whole family!
Kids will love exploring different textures and experimenting with different paint/coloring tools.
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