Gingerbread Men on the loose
So our daughter has been reading the Gingerbreadmen story in school. They read, they baked, they designed gingerbread man muppets out of paper bags (pretty cool idea in particular for those little hands!) and had one more task to complete…
Hattifant daughter came back home with her VERY FIRST homework…
Nothing too complicated, not for the daughter, neither for the parents (phuiiiiiii)…there was a paper with 8 images on how to bake gingerbread men. She was supposed to talk about it, colour in the images, cut them out, sort them and try to write some of the key words.
We made it a little bit more interesting! Of course! Grin! Instead of just simply glueing the sorted images on a plain piece of paper we made our own pop up gingerbread men book!
And here you can see what it looks inside:
And if you would like to see the book in action as is best for a pop up book anyway then feel free to watch our little video:
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