Cardboard Furniture

Ooh…Carboard Furniture! What joy there is to work with this material! In particular if like so many of us “Expat families” move around a lot and accumulate loads of those precious cardboard moving boxes.

Oh no,…, do NOT throw them out! Be aware that with throwing them into the rubbish you take away hours of playful fun with and for your children.

Who has not made this experience of his/her child unpacking presents and then having to witness that the actual toy is being dismissed but instead the packaging being played with?!

So keep those boxes, make play houses, fortresses, tables, armchairs, cars or trains out of them. Let your little ones decide and help you along the way (e.g. decorating, painting, putting stickers on).

Here are some ideas for you! Be inspired and most of all have fun crafting!

Hattifant’s Cardboard Furniture

Mimi, the Car

Hattifant's Cardboard Furniture Mimi, the Car

Thomas, the Train

Hattifant's Cardboard Furniture Thomas, the Train

Flower Shelf

Hattifant's Flower Shelf

House Bed

Hattifant's Housebed

Oven & Sink

Hattifant's Kitchen Set

Cradle I

Hattifant's Moving Box Cradle


Hattifant's Oven


Hattifant's Sink

Cradle II

Hattifant's Cradle

Cheese Table

Hattifant's Cheesetable accompanied by two mouse chairs and figures

Kingston Chair

Hattifant's Boy Mouse Chair, Kingston


Hattifant's Girl Mouse Chair, Lilita

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